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A New Leadership Model with Jason Wong

In this episode of Programming Leadership, Marcus and his guest Jason Wong discuss how one size does not fit all in leadership.

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Getting Diversity and Inclusion Right

In this episode, we talk about the difference between diversity and inclusion, and why that difference is important. We also touch on some of Jason’s favorite management and hiring practices.


Bootstrapping Inclusion with Jason Wong


Jason Wong’s Systematic Approach Toward an Inclusive Workplace

A lot of us like to think that we’re running and working for inclusive organizations. Of course, anyone is welcome to work here! Everyone is equal! We’re color blind! And all the other right kinds of blind, too!


Diversity & Inclusion: “It’s our responsibility” - A Candid Conversation with Jason Wong

Many tech start-ups can be measured by what they have accomplished and the routes they have taken towards success. They pride themselves on growth, visibility, and profitability, but the experiences and everyday realities of marginalized groups are often overlooked.